790 research outputs found

    The upswing of regional income inequality in Spain (1860-1930).

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    This paper studies the evolution of Spanish regional inequality from 1860 to 1930. The results point to the coexistence of two basic forces behind changes in regional economic inequality: industrial specialization and labor productivity differentials. The initial expansion of industrialization, in a context of growing economic integration of regions, promoted the spatial concentration of manufacturing in certain regions, which also benefited from the greatest advances in terms of labor productivity. Since 1900, the diffusion of manufacturing production to a greater number of locations generated the emulation of production structures and a process of catching-up in labor productivity and wages.Industrialization; Market Integration; Heckscher-Ohlin Model; New Economic Geography;

    The upswing of regional income inequality in Spain (1860–1930).

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    This paper studies the evolution of Spanish regional inequality from 1860 to 1930. The results point to the coexistence of two basic forces behind changes in regional economic inequality: industrial specialization and labor productivity differentials. The initial expansion of industrialization, in a context of growing economic integration of regions, promoted the spatial concentration of manufacturing in certain regions, which also benefited from the greatest advances in terms of labor productivity. Since 1900, the diffusion of manufacturing production to a greater number of locations has generated the emulation of production structures and a process of catching-up in labor productivity and wagesIndustrialization; Market integration; Heckscher–Ohlin model; New economic geography; Regional convergence;

    La vegetació aquàtica submergida de S'Albufera de Mallorca

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    Al segle passat, i amb l'objectiu de dessecar S'Albufera, s'enturaren estanys i es construí un sistema de canals que condueixen les aigües de forma regular cap a la mar: la majoria d'estanys del que actualment es parc natural quedaren dessecats. Actualment S'Albufera és un gradient ambiental amb diferents aportaments d'aigua. Consequentment, hi ha una diversitat d'hàbitats colonitzats per moltes espècies i és un lloc ideal per als estudis de les toleràncies ambientals de les espècies. S'estudiaren onze espècies de carofícies i deu de plantes vasculars submergides, respecte a set variables ambientals mitjançant un test de significació. Se n'obtingué una visió global mitjançant una anàlisi de components principals per a variables, les quals formen l'espai multidimensional on s'han projectat els hàbitats físico-químics de les espècies. D'aquesta anàlisi es poden extreure conclusions sobre les preferències d'hàbitat de les espècies, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tolypella glomerata, Chara globularis, C. connivens i C. aspera apareixen en aigües mesohalines, mesotròtiques 0 oligotròfiques. C. major i C. vulgaris accepten un cert nivell d'eutrofia i C galioides, C. hispida i C. canescens es presenten en llocs amb nivells baixos d'eutròfia. Lamprothamnium papulosum ocupa llocs altament salinitzats i poc eutrofitzats. A l'àrea d'estudi i en referència als paràmetres estudiats es pot dir que C. canescens, C. globularis, C. vulgaris, Tolypella glomerata, Lamprothamnium papulosum, C. hispida i C. galioides són espècies amb una tolerància global àmplia i C. connivens, Nitellopsis obtusa i C. major són molt menys tolerants. Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas marina, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus i Zannichellia pedunculata són espècies àmpliament distribuïdes a S'Albufera. Ceratophyllum submersum i Ruppia maritima var. brevirrostris s'han de considerar estenoiques dins l'ambient d'estudi. La tolerància de Ceratophyllum submersum a la salinitat es significativament baixa mentre que la de Ruppia cirrhosa i R. maritima var. brevirrostris significativament alta. Ceratophyllum submersum té una distribució significativament negativa respecte a les altes concentracions de clorofil·la a fitoplanctònica i a les altes concentracions de fosfats. Ceratophyllum demersum i C. submersum es presenten principalment als llocs rics amb composts de nitrogen, mentre que Ruppia cirrhosa es presenta en llocs on hi ha baixes concentracions de nitrats a l'aigua.In the last century and with the aims of dessication of the S'Albufera were filled up many lagoons and a canal system was made. Now the S'Albufera is a graded system of coastal marshes with several sources of water input. Consequently there is a diversity of habitats colonized by many species and it is an ideal site for the study of environmental tolerances. Eleven species of Characeae and ten species of submerged vascular plants have been analyzed for seven environmental variables by means of a significance test. A synthetic view has been obtained through a principal component analysis for variables which form the multidimensional space where we project the species physico-chemical habitat. From such analysis we can obtain conclusions on the relative habitat preferences of the Characeae and of the submerged vascular plats of the S'Albufera. Nitellopsis obtusa, Tolypella glomerata, Chara globularis, C. connivens and C. aspera appear in mesohaline and mesotrophic or oligotrophic zones. C. major and C. vulgaris accept some degree of eutrophy and C galioides, C. hispida and C. canescens low levels of eutrophy. Lamprothamnium papulosum appears over strongly salinized sites which are poorly eutrophied. In the study area and in relation to parameters under study, we regard C. canescens, C. globularis, C. vulgaris, Tolypella glomerata, Lamprothamnium papulosum, C. hispida and C. galioides as species with a wide global tolerance and C. connivens, Nitellopsis obtusa and C. major as being decreasingly tolerant. Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas marina, Potamogeton crispus, P. pectinatus and Zannichellia pedunculata are widely distributed in the S'Albufera. Ceratophyllum submersum and Ruppia maritima var. brevirrostris are considered stenoic. The tolerance of Ceratophyllum submersum to salt is significantly low and that of Ruppia cirrhosa and R. maritima var. brevirrostris significantly high. Ceratophyllum submersum has a significantly negative distribution with regard to phytoplanctonic chlorophyll a and phosphate concentrations. Ceratophyllum demersum and C. submersum primarily occur in nitrate-rich waters whereas Ruppia cirrhosa primarily occurs in low nitrate waters

    Mossbauer and magnetization studies of amorphous NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films

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    Several NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films are studied by using both conversion electron Mossbauer spectra and SQUID (superconducting quantum-interference-device) magnetometry. Both the hyperfine fields and the easy magnetization magnitude are not correlated with the modulation characteristic length (lambda) while the magnetization perpendicular to the thin-film plane decreases as lambda increases. The spectra were recorded at room temperature being the gamma rays perpendicular to the substrate plane. The magnetization measurements were recorded by using a SHE SQUID magnetometer in applied magnetic fields up to 5.5 T and in the temperature range between 1.8 and 30 K

    The long-term patterns of regional income inequality in Spain (1860-2000)

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    This paper studies the evolution of Spanish regional inequality from 1860 to 2000. The results point to the coexistence of two basic forces behind changes in regional economic inequality: differences in economic structure and labor productivity across regions. In the Spanish case, the initial expansion of industrialization during the period 1860-1900, in a context of growing economic integration of regions, promoted the spatial concentration of manufacturing in certain regions, which also benefited from the greatest advances in terms of labor productivity. Since 1900 and until 1985, the diffusion of manufacturing and services production to a greater number of locations generated the emulation of production structures and a process of catching-up in labor productivity and wages. So, in these first 125 years, national market integration and economic growth has been followed by a Ushaped evolution of regional incomes inequality. Nevertheless, some productivity differentials remained and, from 1985 on, the Spanish entry in the UE generated a new upsurge of divergence in productivity across Spanish regions that could be in the base of a new phase of regional income divergence

    A Simflowny-based high-performance 3D code for the generalized induction equation

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    In the interior of neutron stars, the induction equation regulates the long-term evolution of the magnetic fields by means of resistivity, Hall dynamics and ambipolar diffusion. Despite the apparent simplicity and compactness of the equation, the dynamics it describes is not trivial and its understanding relies on accurate numerical simulations. While a few works in 2D have reached a mature stage and a consensus on the general dynamics at least for some simple initial data, only few attempts have been performed in 3D, due to the computational costs and the need for a proper numerical treatment of the intrinsic non-linearity of the equation. Here, we carefully analyze the general induction equation, studying its characteristic structure, and we present a new Cartesian 3D code, generated by the user-friendly, publicly available {\em Simflowny} platform. The code uses high-order numerical schemes for the time and spatial discretization, and relies on the highly-scalable {\em SAMRAI} architecture for the adaptive mesh refinement. We present the application of the code to several benchmark tests, showing the high order of convergence and accuracy achieved and the capabilities in terms of magnetic shock resolution and three-dimensionality. This paper paves the way for the applications to a realistic, 3D long-term evolution of neutron stars interior and, possibly, of other astrophysical sources.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures. In pres

    Rehabilitació del Medi Aquàtic de S'Albufera de Mallorca

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    En el segle passat S'Albufera va arribar a esser totalment transformada en terres de cultiu per motius de salubritat i econòmics. En l'actualitat les funcions de l'àrea són les pròpies d'un parc natural, però els seus biòtops estan fortament influïts per l'antiga transformació. S'ha de considerar un sistema artificial on predominen les comunitats de macròfits emergents i els canals de dessecació sobre les superfícies d'alques lliures. S'analitzen estratègies diferents de gestió i es proposa la rehabilitació d'algues lliures incidint en tres aspectes. a.- Analisi i eliminació de pertorbacions actuals sobre el medi lòtic i el medi lenitic. b.- Utilitzacio de pastures per incrementar la superfície d'àrees d'inundació semipermanent. C.- Apertura de nous estanys amb diferents comunitats vegetals submergides, les quals ens donaran una producció primària diversificada. El disseny d'apertura d'estanys es fa en funció de la predicció de la composició més probable d'espècies macrofítiques de qualsevol àrea que es rehabiliti com a sistema aquàtic obert i permanent. Aquesta predicció pot esser utilitzada com un factor més per a determinar la localització d'àrees aquàtiques no repetitives.The concern for health and food needs in the last century have prompted the drainage of the Albufera. Now the appropiate functions of the area are as a natural park but its biotope is highly changed. Must be considered an artificial system where emergent macrophyte communities are dominant and where the drainage canals are most important than the surfaces of free waters. Are analyzed some management strategies and the rehabilitation of open waters is proposed by means three steps. a.- The removal of factors disturbing the present status of the lotic and lentic environments. b.- The use of grazing as a method for increasing the surface of intermittent waters. C.- The drainage to make new lagoons as a funtion of prediction of the most probable submersed macrophyte species composition for different area of the Albufera. This prediction may be used like a factor determinin location of the aquatic non repetitive areas for rehabilitation into the natural parc

    Uso de software libre para el estudio del esfuerzo pesquero en la costa de Cataluña

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    9as Jornadas SIG Libre, 25 de marzo de 2015, GironaLas tecnologías geoespaciales suponen un avance en el conocimiento de los ecosistemas marinos, permitiendo abordar el estudio del potencial efecto de las flotas pesqueras mundiales en la dinámica ecológica de los mismos. Pese a ello su aplicación a la biología pesquera es muy reciente y su uso se está generalizando a partir de que el ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) propusiera en el año 2008 una metodología para el estudio de las pesca y su impacto en el medio marino. Esta se basa en la utilización de los datos de posición procedentes de las ¿cajas azules¿ (VMS ¿ Vessel Monitoring System), que por una normativa europea del año 2006 está presente en la mayoría de barcos de pesca, y consiste en el cruce de los datos de VMS, con los datos de los diarios de abordo y los datos de las descargas en puerto. Así se pueden obtener, entre otros resultados, mapas para el estudio del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota en los caladeros del Océano Atlántico de las costas europeas. La metodología presentada por el ICES es una potente herramienta, pero su aplicación en el estudio de la pesca de las flotas del Mediterráneo Noroccidental (Mar Catalán) genera varios problemas. El principal es que su diseño está realizado para grandes barcos arrastreros del Atlántico y para áreas muy extensas. Este hecho hace imposible su aplicación directa en el estudio de la flota y los caladeros de las costas catalanas, debido a que los barcos son mucho más pequeños, tienen una movilidad menor y trabajan en áreas espaciales menos extensas. Nuestro grupo de investigación ha extrapolado la metodología ICES y la adaptado a la tipología de flota y caladeros del Mar Catalán. Para ello aprovechamos conjuntamente, los recursos que proveen el gestor de bases de datos libre Postgresql, con su extensión Postgis, y el entorno de escritorio que proporciona el software libre espacial QuantumGIS. Esto nos permite el análisis espacio-temporal del esfuerzo pesquero, y la asociación del mismo a las capturas por clases de tallas que se indican en las categorías de las ventas diarias en las lonjas de los puertos. En concreto, se ha realizado este estudio para la gamba rosada (Aristeus antennatus) en los puertos de Blanes y Palamos, y para la merluza (Merluccius merluccius) en el puerto de Roses, todos ellos puertos de gran importancia en CatalunyaPeer Reviewe

    Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability

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    Can ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and when conflicts over the use of the environment may take an active role in shaping transitions toward sustainability. It presents a conceptual framework that schematically maps out the linkages between (a) patterns of (unsustainable) social metabolism, (b) the emergence of ecological distribution conflicts, (c) the rise of environmental justice movements, and (d) their potential contributions for sustainability transitions. The ways how these four processes can influence each other are multi-faceted and often not a foretold story. Yet, ecological distribution conflicts can have an important role for sustainability, because they relentlessly bring to light conflicting values over the environment as well as unsustainable resource uses affecting people and the planet. Environmental justice movements, born out of such conflicts, become key actors in politicizing such unsustainable resource uses, but moreover, they take sometimes also radical actions to stop them. By drawing on creative forms of mobilizations and diverse repertoires of action to effectively reduce unsustainabilities, they can turn from ‘victims’ of environmental injustices into ‘warriors’ for sustainability. But when will improvements in sustainability be lasting? By looking at the overall dynamics between the four processes, we aim to foster a more systematic understanding of the dynamics and roles of ecological distribution conflicts within sustainability processes

    Identificación de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior basada en EMG de alta densidad

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    La identificación de tareas y estimación del movimiento voluntario basados en electromiografía (EMG) constituyen un problema conocido que involucra diferentes áreas en sistemas expertos, particularmente la de reconocimiento de patrones, con muchas aplicaciones posibles en dispositivos de asistencia y rehabilitación. La información que proporciona puede resultar útil para el control de exoesqueletos o brazos robóticos utilizados en terapias activas. La tecnología emergente de electromiografía de alta densidad (HD-EMG) abre nuevas posibilidades para extraer información neural y ya ha sido reportado que la distribución espacial de mapas de intensidad HD-EMG es una característica valiosa en la identificación de tareas isométricas (contracciones que no producen cambio en la longitud del músculo). Este estudio explora la utilización de la distribución espacial de la actividad mioeléctrica y lleva a cabo identificación de tareas durante ejercicios dinámicos a diferentes velocidades que son mucho más cercanos a los que se utilizan habitualmente en las terapias de rehabilitación. Con este objetivo, se registraron señales HD-EMG en un grupo de sujetos sanos durante la realización de un conjunto de tareas isométricas y dinámicas del miembro superior. Los resultados indican que la distribución espacial es una característica muy útil en la identificación, no solo de contracciones isométricas sino también de contracciones dinámicas, mejorando la eficiencia y naturalidad del control de dispositivos de rehabilitación para que se adapte mejor al usuario.Identification of tasks and estimation of volitional movement based on electromyography (EMG) constitute a known problem that involves different areas in the field of expert systems and particularly pattern recognition, with many possible applications in assistive and rehabilitation devices. The obtained information can be very useful to control exoskeletons or robots used in active rehabilitation processes. The emerging technology of high-density electromyography (HD-EMG) opens up new possibilities to extract neural information, and it has already been reported that the spatial distribution of HD-EMG intensity maps is a valuable feature in the identification of isometric tasks. This study explores the use of the spatial distribution of myoelectric activity and carries out a task identification during dynamic exercises at different velocities which are much closer to the ones commonly used during therapy. To this end, HD-EMG signals were recorded in a group of healthy subjects while performing a set of isometric and dynamic upper limb tasks. The results show that spatial distribution is a very useful feature in the identification not only of isometric contractions but also of dynamic contractions, so it can be very useful to improve the control of rehabilitation devices, making it more natural and permitting to adapt better to the user